'Twas the Night Before Reso

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‘Twas the night before Reso, when all through the city

People decked out, feelin’ good, lookin’ pretty;

Pics of flat runners hit the socials with flare,

In hopes that pre-race selfies would soon be there;

The runners, not nestled snug in their beds,

Rang in the new year and drank bubbly instead;

And V stained her dress, and I broke a strap,

Slurred, “Hey, we’d better at least take a nap.”

When the alarm went off, I rose with a clatter,

But a 10am start!? Nothing’s the matter.

Away to the coffee which brewed in a flash,

Pulled on my orange singlet, caught a mirror, “YASSSSS!”

The glow of the orange on the new fallen snow…

Oh, wait, there is none. Time to go!

When what on approach to Magnuson appeared,

But Reso festivities and a sign ‘Registration Here!”

With volunteers aplenty so smiley and helpful,

It only took a moment for my heart to feel full.

More happy than puppies the runners they came,

I hollered, and shouted, and called them by name:

“Hey, Tom! ‘sup, Bill! Yo, Drea and Kimber!

Thank you thank you! This’ll be a Reso to remember.”

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To the shoot for the start! The gun went off with a ‘crack!”

Now dash away! Dash away! Just 25 laps around a track!

Out in the lead an orange hurricane flies,

First through mile one, fierce-looking Club guys;

So on through the course the runners they flew

With family and friends, and doggos too—

And then, on the shoreline, I heard a big splash

The first runner hit the water with a resounding crash!

As I drew near the water, I began pulling off gloves,

Ditched my jacket, exhaled, “This is the part I love.”

Dressed in not much more than my skivvies from my head to my foot,

I was soon neck-deep in water with puddles for shoes;

A bundle of clothes I had flung at the finish,

Into the lake we all plunged, not a spirit diminished.

Our eyes—how they twinkled! Our laughter, so merry!

Our fingers were frigid, our cheeks red like a cherry!

We emerged from the water with mere meters to go,

An easy distance to cover in the absence of snow;

The stem of a mic Tom held firm in his hand,

Announcing each runner by name. Such a great man!

We had a chill through our bones and rumbling in our bellies

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That swiftly sought warmth and comfort of hot chili.

Welcomed friends as they finished, Sheila dressed as an elf,

And I laughed when I viewed Polar Dive pics of myself;

In the blink of an eye and the twist of a tap

I was clutching an Icicle Brew on my lap.

I spoke not a word, just savored the moment,

Before refilling my cup, “A hot beverage, why don’tchya!”

And laying my chin in the palm of my hand;

And giving a sigh, exhaustion hit me—BAM!

I rose to my feet, to my friends gave high-fives,

And home we all went for naps and the Rose Bowl.

But I heard folks exclaim as I strolled out of sight—

“Reso is awesome, even after a wild night!”

This Reso remix was brought to you by Julia Reade and Aavi Bass