"So Fun!"

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Some people taper leading up to a goal race, even taking a rest day the day before the big event. Others bike commute to their job as an Orthopedic Surgeon, perform surgery on three total joints, and wake up not once, not twice, but at least three times before the big race to nurse their two-year-old and play with two kids under four. Ok, maybe just Club Northwest athlete Laura Matsen Ko. Following her recent win at USAC Cyclocross Nationals in Fort Steilacoom, WA, Laura, in between parenting, work duties, and “off” season rides, provided a glimpse into her go-go-go life.

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CNW: What’s your history, Shero?

LMK: I was born and raised in Seattle.  I grew up running on the Montlake “track” aka swamp.  My parents got us moving early on. The year I was born, my sister won U-8 nationals in cross country.  I was raised at her running practices and slowly started running myself. Each summer my parents would take us backpacking in the North Cascades and bike packing in the San Juan Islands.  I did cross country running, swimming, track in high school at Lakeside High School. I went to Whitman College, took a break from formal sports and spent 3 years involved with the outdoor program, leading climbing trips, teaching people to telemark ski. Senior year I decided to give formal sports another go. I raced cross country in the fall (and ended up winning regionals and getting 9th at nationals!).  I then did a season of bike racing with our newly created bike team--and we won nationals! I now have a feisty 2 year old girl and car-obsessed 3.5 year old boy and an insanely supportive husband and local parents. I’m an orthopedic surgeon specializing in total hip replacement and total knee replacements at Swedish Hospital in Downtown Seattle.

CNW: When and why did you join CNW?

LMK: As soon as we returned home from all our medical training to start work (4.5 years ago), I knew it was important to me to be involved with the local running community.  I’d known of the “people in the orange jerseys” from doing road races when I came home from college. Tom Cotner had been supportive of me since I was in high school… it was an obvious choice.  I’ve loved everyone on the team!

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CNW: What prompted your recent focus on cycling?

LMK: I got a bit tired of being injured (I’m a chronic over-trainer)... so I took up cycling in May and have only run about 30 miles since!

CNW: What have been the highlights and uncertainties in your cycling adventures thus far?

LMK: I’ve loved getting stronger and feeling healthy. It’s been fun to be build on fitness and avoid injury.  I’ve loved team rides and some organized races. I took up Cyclocorss this fall and loved that! Uncertainties? I am not yet sure if I am interested in playing the game of chess that is required in road racing… I often just like to go hammer and not play mind games.

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CNW: What races have you participated in and why? How’d you do/feel?

LMK: All have been fun!

College Nationals 2004: 2nd female in road race, 1st female in time trial. Team was 1st place.

High Pass Challenge (104 miles, 7500’ feet climbing)-  1st female, 6th overall

Seattle to Portland (205 miles) - 1st female, 6th overall (unofficial)

Whistler Gran Fondo (2nd female)

Winthrop Gran Fondo Gravel race: 1st female, 10th overall (90 miles, 11,400’ climbing)

Cyclocross Women Cat 1,2,3 State Championship: 1st

Cycloross women Cat 1,2,3 Masters 35-39: 1st 

CNW: What races and rides are you eyeing? Any related goals?

LMK: I’m still deciding about goals between now and next Cyclocross season- thinking Gravel racing with some Road races thrown in for training :) 

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CNW: When are we going for a run? ;)

LMK: Right?! I can run about 4 miles at 8 min pace then am sore for 4 days… I REALLY miss all my running friends.  The dudes I bike with are not QUITE as talkative :) 

Wow, Laura. Just WOW! This makes me tired just reading it! How about you? Guess what? Laura is tired, too. She admits her not-so-superpower is her inability to sleep train her kids, both of whom end up in her bed every night! Laura would LOVE a full night’s sleep. But no rest for the weary! Matsen Ko is spearheading a movement to recruit more womxn for Audi Cycling’s predominantly male team. To learn more about this as well as her cycling adventures and nightly sleep training fails, follow Laura on Instagram at @ljmmko. Thank you, Laura! You’ll always have Club Northwest in your corner.